Hey Guys.. LOOK who we Interviewed...

Gloson Teh

I was very lucky to interview Gloson from Glosonblog.com!

Lets see the questions we asked him..

1. Who inspires you?

Many people inspire me, ranging from Kenn Nesbitt to Darren Rowse; Dr. Seuss, Brian Clark, Susan Boyle-- I can  get inspiration from almost anybody at all. =)

2. How you first got involved in with blogging?

In 2008, when I started blogging, it was everywhere! My mother was surprised on what made it so popular and asked me to try it as a hobby. So I did, and have been loving blogging ever since. =)

At first, I was struggling to get an audience. After reading Darren Rowse's www.Problogger.net, I got some inspiration and motivation and ideas. And then I tried Twitter--it has been, so far, the best social networking site to get to know amazing people.

3. What do you want to achieve from your blog?

Contrary to most new bloggers, when I started blogging, money was not on my mind. I just started blogging for a hobby. Eventually I found out that I blog because I want to make friends, help others, share the stuff that I know, build a brand, and in the future, make some money. :)

4. How do you manage study and your blog at the same time?

You'll have to create time. Yes, you can create time. Waking up early, sleeping a bit late, and avoiding distractions are a few examples of how you can create time.

5. Where do you get ideas for every post?

Mostly I just share anything interesting that is on my mind. Sometimes, I go to others' blogs and I get ideas or expand on what they are talking about. Mostly you'll have to think very hard.

6. Any tips for those bloggers out there?

Be bold. Write awesome blog posts. Make friends. Don't be shy. Marketing. Passion. Patience. Wisdom. Give more than you receive. Making a plan will make you do better than when you have no plan at all. Be happy! =)

Thanks for reading! Visit his

facebook : facebook.com/gloson
twitter: twitter.com/gloson
Website/Blog: www.glosonblog.com
Poetry: www.poetrytalents.com